Hax4Us |
Warning & Disclaimer: Making a phishing page is not illegal, but using a phishing page is illegal. This tutorial is just to show you, “How to create phishing page?”. If you use this to hack anyone account, then I AM not responsible for it. Do anything on your own risk.
No suspension ( From free web host )
Undetectable ( Bypassing browser detection )
Responsive ( Mobile version + Desktop version )
Steps to follow:
Signup for Free web host
Download phisher files and modify it
Upload the files to web host
Register a custom domain and set it up
Set up ssl for domain
Let’s start,
Step 1: Signup for Free web host
For this method we have to sign up for two free hosting sites, www.55freehost.com and www.000webhost.com .
Page index files we will upload in 000webhost and the phishing php code goes in mzzhost.
Fill the form with your email address and give a website name, the name of my website is hax4usdemo.
After clicking sign up verify your email by clicking the link in in your mail inbox.
Now click the button (Manage website“your website name” ).
Now you have a page with your website domain. please not the name.
My domain: hax4usdemo.000webhostapp.com
okay. Now we have to sign up to mzzhost.com .
(Don’t close the 000webhost page tab because we need it later)
Open a new tab and go to this link: http://www.mzzhost.com/signup.php
Fill the form with your email and click register. ( your user name will be your domain)
Check your email spam folder to verify your account. After clicking the verification link a page will open up with your account information.
Note your control panel user name and website Url . the website URL we need later in step 2, so please note it.
My url: http://technotip.mzzhost.com .
Now go to control panel by clicking the link: http://cpanel.mzzhost.com
Type your control panel user name you already got and password you set when sign up, then click Log in button.
Okay, now we have 2 free hosting account.
Don’t close the both web host control panel tabs because we need it later.. now let’s go to next step.