Monday, 3 April 2017

Microsoft is Shutting Down CodePlex, Asks Devs To Move To GitHub

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Thanx To THN
Microsoft has announced to shut down CodePlex -- its website for hosting repositories of open-source software projects -- on December 15, 2017.

Launched in 2006, CodePlex was one of the Microsoft's biggest steps towards the world of open source community -- where any programmer, anywhere can share the code for their software or download and tweak the code to their liking.

However, Microsoft says that the service has dramatically fallen in usage and that fewer than 350 projects seeing a source code commit over the last 30 days, pointing to GitHub as the "de-facto place for open source sharing."

GitHub – 'Facebook for Programmers'

In a blog post published Friday, Microsoft Corporate VP Brian Harry wrote that the shutdown of CodePlex is because the open source community has almost entirely moved over to GitHub, which provides similar functionality for sharing code that people can collaborate on.

"Over the years, we have seen a lot of amazing options come and go but at this point, GitHub is the de-facto place for open source sharing, and most open source projects have migrated there," says Harry.
According to the company, Github has become the "Facebook for programmers," so "it's time to say goodbye to CodePlex."

For now, Microsoft has disabled the ability to create new projects on CodePlex, and in October the site will be turned into a read-only archive.

The complete shutdown comes on December 15 this year, at which point the CodePlex website will be archived indefinitely.
"You will also be able to download an archive file with your project contents, all in common, transferable formats like Markdown and JSON," Harry writes.

"Where possible, we will put in place redirects so that existing URLs work, or at least redirect you to the project's new homepage on the archive. And, the archive will respect your "I've moved" setting, if you used it, to direct users to the current home of your project."

Migrate your Code and Related Projects to GitHub

Harry also points out that many of Microsoft's open source software projects have already found their way to GitHub and the company is actively recommending people to do so.

The company is itself using GitHub to host open-source software projects such as PowerShell, .NET and its Chakra JavaScript engine.

Microsoft is making the process of migration easier for its users. Microsoft has teamed up with GitHub to create a "streamlined" migration tool to help developers shift their code and related content over to GitHub.

Since a release date of the migration tool is not yet known, users can check out the guide on CodePlex for any help with migrating to GitHub.
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Sunday, 2 April 2017

Email Scam Targets Github Developers with Dimnie Trojan

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Thanx To THN
Open source developers who use the popular code-sharing site GitHub were put on alert after the discovery of a phishing email campaign that attempts to infect their computers with an advanced malware trojan.

Dubbed Dimnie, the reconnaissance and espionage trojan has the ability to harvest credentials, download sensitive files, take screenshots, log keystrokes on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, download additional malware on infected systems, and self-destruct when ordered to.

The malware has largely flown under the radar for the past three years – Thanks to its stealthy command and control methods.
The threat was discovered in the mid of January this year when it was targeting multiple owners of Github repositories via phishing emails, but cyber-security firm Palo Alto, who reported the campaign on Tuesday, says the attacks started a few weeks before.

Here's How the Attack Works:

The attack starts by spamming the email inboxes of active GitHub users with booby-trapped job offers. The messages used in this campaign attempt to trick the victims into running an attached malicious .doc file.

The doc file contains embedded macro code, which if allowed, executes a PowerShell command to download and install the Dimnie trojan – malware that can be controlled remotely, enabling attackers to hijack infected PCs and install additional malware.

Dimnie is not new; it first appeared in early 2014, but the use of stealthy command and control (C&C) methods in the new version of the Dimnie malware helped the threat remain unnoticed until this year.

Dimnie's Stealthy Features let it went Undetected for 3 Years

This new iteration has the ability to hide its malicious traffic under fake domains and DNS requests. To camouflage its connection, Dimnie uses HTTP Proxy requests that appear to be sent to Google-owned domains, but it's actually talking to an address controlled by the attackers, which has nothing to do with Google.
For more stealthiness, the malware encrypts all of its modules during transit, and once they are received and decrypted on the targeted computer, they are never written to or executed on its hard drive.

Instead, Dimnie injects them directly into the memory of core Windows processes, which then execute in the OS memory itself, without leaving its traces on the user's disks. This lets Dimnie operators inject their malicious module into the process of any legit application.
Since the malware hides its communications behind regular traffic and executes in the OS memory, Palo researchers unable to speculate the attackers behind the latest phishing email campaign or their exact motivations to target open-source developers.

However, gaining access to computers belonging to owners of private GitHub repositories gives attackers a way to access the source code of the application they manage for their organizations, which let the attackers gain access to the internal networks of various organizations.
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2k17 List Of Some Deep Web Links And How To Access Safely On Android


Hello Guys , Welcome Back To My Site

So Today I Will Give Deepweb Sites Links (Only For Education And Research)


http://kbhpodhnfxl3clb4.onion/ – Tor search engine
http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ – Deep web links directory
http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ – TORCH another search engine
http://ndj6p3asftxboa7j.onion/ – .onion search


http://nzfbqcuyutvg6hd3.onion/ – Hacked PayPal accounts
http://ow24et3tetp6tvmk.onion/ – Anonymous BitCoin wallet
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http://easycoinsayj7p5l.onion/ – BitCoin Wallet


http://mobil7rab6nuf7vx.onion/ – Unlocked Smartphones
http://2ogmrlfzdthnwkez.onion/ – Hire a Hacker
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http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Torbook – Facebook for deep web
Guys You Can Find More Links From Internet.. Here I Posted Some Usable Links Only ..
Disclaimer :- I Am Not Responsible For Any Illegal activity Done By You And This List Of Links Is Only For Education.
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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

If You Are A Iphone User And Using iCloud So Beware - Must Read (Hax4Us)

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Hax4Us HackNeWs
If you use iCloud to sync your Apple devices, your private data may be at risk of getting exposed or deleted by April 7th.

It has been found that a mischievous group of hackers claiming to have access to over 300 million iCloud accounts is threatening Apple to remotely wipe data from those millions of Apple devices unless Apple pays it $75,000 in crypto-currency or $100,000 worth of iTunes gift cards.

The hacking group, who identified themselves as 'Turkish Crime Family,' has demanded a ransom to be paid in Bitcoin or Ethereum, another popular crypto-currency.

The screenshots of email exchange indicate that when Apple security team asked for a sample list of hacked account to verify the claims, the group only provided a YouTube video demonstrating access to one of the allegedly hacked accounts and remotely wiping all content from the device.

Thanx To THN
However, the story seems inconsistent, as on its Twitter account, the group claims to have access to 200 million iCloud accounts, while in one of the emails, it says to access 300 million Apple email accounts and in another, the number gets almost double to 559 million.

At this time, it is very difficult for even Apple to verify the claims. However, the company has warned the group saying that it does not reward cyber criminals for breaking the law and asking them to remove the video as it was "seeking unwanted attention."

The hacking group has given Apple a deadline until April 7 to pay up the ransom. Unless its demands are met, the group are going to start remotely wiping victim's Apple devices and reset iCloud accounts.

How to Protect Your iCloud Account From Hackers

Whether the claims and threat are real or not, but if hackers gain access to your iCloud account, they could easily download all your photos and other private data.

In order to keep your iCloud account safe from hackers, Apple users are advised to change their iCloud passwords immediately and enable two-step authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.
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