Wednesday 12 December 2018

Setup Basic GUI In TermuxAlpine

After long time , i am again active with new post in which i am going to tell you that how can we setup basic GUI in Termux Alpine. Basic setup means openbox with xfce4-terminal.

Requirements :-
Follow these steps :-
  1. Open your alpine : startalpine
  2. update your alpine : apk update
  3. Install required packages : apk add xvfb openbox xfce4-terminal x11vnc
  4. Run Xvfb : Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 &
  5. Run x11vnc :  x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :1 -nopw -wait 5 -shared -permitfiletransfer -tightfilexfer -noshm &
  6. Hit Enter again if any command would be stuck
  7. After x11vnc , its time to launch openbox : DISPLAY=:1 openbox &
  8. Now finally we can run terminal : DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-terminal &
Okk now xfce4-terminal is running and it's time to fireup Vnc Viewer and follow below steps :-
  1. Click on plus (+) green icon at bottom right.
  2. Type in Address field.
  3. Type anyname in Name field like you can type TermuxAlpine or Alpine etc .
  4. Click on create then tap on connect.
OK fine now you can see xfce4-terminal in front of you :)

Some Important Points 
  • After disconnecting from VNC Viewer App , x11vnc will be closed automatically.
  • But you will have to kill openbox and xfce4-terminal by yourself.
  • You can reinstall Alpine with my new script then you will not have to kill things , just exit from Alpine , all proot things will be killed.
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Happy Termux :)
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