Showing posts with label Tricks & Mods (also Patched apks). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tricks & Mods (also Patched apks). Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

(Updated) How To Change Your Friends WhatsApp Profile Pic 2017 By Hax4us

Steps to change your friends profile picture:

1. First Of All You Need to Root Your Phone
2. Now Download Es File Explorer from Play Store.
3. Install and Open Now Check Root explorer Option Like this

4. After that Go to data/data/com.WhatsApp folder and you will see Six folders like this

5. Click On Cache Now you will see two folders like this

6. Click on Profile Picture
7. You Will see many profile pictures of your friends .Now you choose any image from your gallery and change name sames as your friends profile pic name..
That's it 
Note: this trick is only working in offline mode.

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Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Hack Your GF WhatsApp Chat Using Simple Method By Hax4us


Hack Whatsapp Using WhatsApp Web!

Now, this is a very simple method that you can use to spy on your dear ones (not anyone) WhatsApp, it applies only to your dear ones because you must have an idea on when they comes online and when they’ll be using WhatsApp.

I guess you already know WhatsApp has a web version called ‘WhatsApp Web’. Which basically mirrors your WhatsApp in phone to your PC/Laptop. Only thing is your phone must be connected to internet when you’re using WhatsApp Web. You can use this to spy on your dear ones (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife).

But there is a small catch, you must have physical access of their phone and must be able to open WhatsApp for a little time. You have to authorize the WhatsApp Web and the new browser on their phone. Else this method won’t work. Steps for that are mentioned below :

Open “WhatsApp” on your gf or any person phone whose whatsapp you want to hacked 

2.  Click on + button in right corner .

3.  Select “WhatsApp Web”. After that you will        see a screen like this

4.  Now Open this Website WhatsApp Web           (click here) on your phone 
Note: open this site on your phone not on your gf phone or any other person ..So there must be two phones for this trick.And this site will be open only on Google Chrome Or Mozilla Firefox both are available on Play Store so you can download easily. Before Opening this Site on Chrome or Firefox You Must Check A Option "Request Desktop Site" like this:

5.  After Open WhatsApp web site A Barcode       Will be appeare on Screen like this 

6.  Zoom this screen and scan with QR                code scanner from your gf phone not               from your phone . like this

7. Now booms...!! You will be done. A Virtual       Whatsaap chatting screen will be appear on       your screen .Enjoy...!

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Monday, 9 January 2017

How To Increase Battery Life of Laptop (Top 8 Ways) By Hax4us


As we all know, our laptops don’t have all-day battery life, so it is a real struggle to manage our laptop whole day with a very little battery backup. But, we have some tips that will give some more life to your laptop’s battery. Follow the full post to know about it.

8 Easy Ways To Increase Battery Life of Laptop

The normal battery backup of old laptops normally ranges from 1-2 hours. However, you can use the below method to increase it for better performance.

1. Adjust Your Settings

The best way to reduce your laptop’s battery consumption is by adjusting the power settings of your laptop. You can alter the battery consumption settings, and you can choose the best power saving option for your laptop in which you can choose to set less brightness and many more settings.

2. Cut Down External Devices

Any external devices that are connected to your laptop consume power like peripheral devices like external mouseUSB Pendrive, and printers, etc. consume much power. So better is to remove all of the external devices that are not currently being used.

3. Empty the CD/DVD Drives

If you just inserted a CD/DVD disc on the drive and you don’t intend to use it. Then make sure to remove the CD/DVDs leftovers in the drives. Because a constant spinning drives can suck your battery power.

4. Turn Off Wifi/Bluetooth etc.

Wifi and Bluetooth consume much power than your anticipation. As they need external signals to operate which need more power. So better is to turn off all these external sharing networks to increase battery backup of your device.

5. Turn Off The Apps and Processes

There are lots of processes and apps that automatically runs on your computer when you turn it on. These apps and process consume lots of power as they run on your ROM and effects on your battery, so it’s better to close these apps from task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete on your keyboard and ending the unwanted process.

6. Defragmentation

Well, we always skip this step. However, this helps to arrange data more efficiently thus making the hard disk work less to access the data that we need. So, a hard drive will work more efficient with less load.This will definitely improve your laptop battery life of your laptop.

7. Use Hibernate Instead Of Standby

When your laptops are in standby mode, it keeps on running the power consumption, but when you puts your computer into hibernate mode then your power consumption goes to zero. Moreover, going into hibernate mode saves all your data. So it’s always to choose to hibernate instead of standby.

8. Using MSConfig

MSConfig is a system utility to troubleshoot the Microsoft Windows startup process. It can disable or re-enable software, device drivers, and Windows services that run at startup, or change boot parameters. You can avoid unnecessary programs to load at startup by simply stopping them.

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Sunday, 8 January 2017

How To Create Fake Email Address Within Seconds by Aaryan


From these given list of sites You can easily create your Fake Email without any phone number or any other requirement 

#1: Fake email generator

Fake email generator is one of the most trusted websites that help you to create fake email addresses. It is an absolutely free disposable email system where you can visit. The fake email address would be activated once you visit the website. This needs to be used instead of the regular email address to avoid any kind of spam. When you receive any kind of email, the email would pop up automatically in this page. This website has several generic domain names and also has country specific domains.

#2: Throw Away

Throwaway mail is also a disposable email address service, which is reliable. Every time you visit the website, a new email address is generated only for you. This email address an immediately receive emails and if any email is received, it will show on the main page. Only you would be able to see the email.

#3: Mailinator

Mailinator is a free public email system where you would be able to use any inbox that you want. Give out a Mailinator address anytime a website asks for an fake email address. The public email is auto deleted after few hours. This account can also be upgraded to get enough privacy, storage as well as your own public domain. You can also prevent spam when you do not want to get spam mails in your email address. Malinator is one of the best fake email id generator from the list.

#4: Get Airmail

Get Airmail – Why should you use Get Airmail? Get Airmail helps you to keep spam out of your inbox with creating a free fake email id by using the Airmail fake email address system. You can use the temporary email service randomly to keep out spam from the inbox. You can keep your email real safe and at the same time you can use HTML services securely. You can check emails later by using a secure browser. Airmail also does not ask for usernames or passwords. Sign up whenever you need to.

#5: Mailnesia

Mailnesia is a disposable email that provides the best of services. Whenever you would like to register in a site and would like to give away your own fake email address use any address instead. Email verification links would be automatically verified in the background to validate the account instantly! You would not have to register or create a separate password for the same. Keep away from Spam, commercial emails as well as newsletters by using a

#6: Yopmail

Yopmail is the most outstanding fake email Id generator service for those, who is looking for different domains Yopmail free service that is enriched with varied features helps you to guard your account against spam, phishing as well as hacking. It offers tremendously smooth user interface, which makes it one of the best fake free email generator sites. You can protect your email by creating a temporary Yopmail inboxes of your choice instantaneously. Now always stay protected.

#7: 10 Minute Mail

10 minute mail – the site that helps you to keep your email ID protected. 10 minute mail is a fake email id generator service that offers you a fake email address for next 10 minutes. This is one of the best disposable email services by which you can you can protect your email by creating a temporary ID, which would be deleted after 10 minutes. This has a variety of features that offers services for free. Every mail you receive in your inbox will appear on the homepage of the 10 minute mail service.

#8: Discard Email

Discard Email – This is a great mail account that can help you to create fake email ids instantaneously. It is a disposable email that provides the best of services. You would not have to register or create a separate password for the same. Keep away from Spam, commercial emails as well as newsletters by using a Discard Email ID

#9: Email on Deck

Email on Deck – People, who know that scattering their official email Id in online services can be risky, need a fake email Ids. Get free and fast temporary email ids in 2 easy steps. Email on Deck is a premier site that helps you to create temporary, disposable and throwaway email addresses. Avoid spam, protect your services and do not give your id to any company or any company and person on the Internet who persists on you giving it to them.

#10: Guerrilla Mail – Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address

Guerrilla mail is one of the most effective tools that you can seek to create a fake email address, here all you have to do is, just visit their official website and give the email id that you don’t trust. Guerrilla is best fake email id online generator with several features and also it have unlimited version to create you fake email id’s at all time. Any future email that is sent to the disposable email, it will directly be zapped, making sure that the email inbox is clean for your personal use and such spam emails don’t reach to you anymore.

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Saturday, 7 January 2017

10 Unique Ways to Use the Sensors on Your Android Device

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Here are the unique ways to use Sensors on Android Device with the help of all the sensors that are currently in your Android device. So follow the complete guide discussed belwo to proceed with this.

Unique Ways to use Sensors on Android DeviceLet’s have a look on some of the cool things that you can try in your Android. So have a look at all these ways below.

For Proximity Sensor:

#1 Use the gestures to control the media playback on your device which all requires the usage of Proximity sensor and the Wave Control app. Just try it up to control your music playback in the cool new way. Hover your hand over the proximity sensor and you could change up the tracks or stop up the music playback etc.

#2 Automatically answer your calls using the proximity sensor, just use the app named SpeakerPhone Ex and it would do the rest for you. You just require to raise your phone to the ear and it should be answered for the calls. Apart from that, there is a huge list of other call related gestures this app carries with, just look on these now.

#3 Lock and Unlock your device through using the gestures like waving a hand over the proximity etc. For enabling all such gestures on your device, you just need to install the app named Kin Screen and throughsetting it up you would get all those gestures running.

#4 For custom actions or defining gestures over the Proximity on your device, you could prefer to use the app named Proximity Actions. Make your own gesture for any kind of action or opening of app etc anything.

For Camera/Flash:

#1 Use the app named Cardiography to check your instant heartbeat accurately, and all this is done by placing your finger on the main camera of your device over the flash as well. This is merely inaccurate at times but if you work with it you would find up the great results.

#2 Calculate the Distance from the objects through using the app named Smart Distance. This advanced app uses the data from the camera of your device and hence regulates it in a way to find out the accurate distance from the objects. Just add in the estimated height of the object in the app ad also point your camera towards that, and the app would tell you the distance within seconds.

#3 Using the old Android device could be no better than this. Just use your Old Android camera as the surveillance or the motion detector by installing the app named Motion detector App. This app sends the images of the triggered intruder to the defined email which you ould customise anytime.

For Magnetometer:

#1 Compass is something which you would likely not carry all the time with you, but the Android device would be the one you most probably carry with yourself. In case you wishor you need to use the compass fo some reason then don’t bother to buy the one or carry up to one with you all the time because the Android device with Magnetometer sensor could be used as a compass by installing up the app named Smart Compass.

#2 Accelerometer: Just use the Android device to check or measure up the speed of the device or the acceleration of the device!The app Accelerometer Gauge could be usedfor the very purpose, and you could change your Android into the Speedometer/odometer.

For Gyroscope:

#1 Pocket Buble Level is the app that works with the Gyroscope sensor of your device to give you the while data of leveller and hence you could use up your device to level up your projects or the objects etc. You need to calibrate it first and then after that you could perform the designated action.

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