Wednesday, 11 January 2017

How To Increase RAM Using USB/Pendrive In Windows 8 & 10 By Hax4us


Do You know? You can use USB/pendrive as ram in Windows 7, 8, 10. You don’t need any third party app to do so. We have discussed two working methods that will help you increase RAM using your pendrive. Go through the post to know about it.

Iknow it’s old trick, but some people are still not aware of it. As you all know what is a basic functionality of RAM on our PC/Laptop as the more RAM means more speed and faster your system’s speed. For gaming purpose, one needs more RAM. What if you don’t have enough money to buy new RAM and also sometimes there is no extra slot on your motherboard to setup new RAM. How will you upgrade you PC/Laptop’s RAM? Well, the answer is Simple, Today, We will share some tips that will help you to Increase RAM Using Pendrive in Windows.

How To Increase RAM Using USB/Pendrive In Windows 8 & 10

#1 Method: Virtual Ram Concept For Windows

Step 1. First of all Insert Your Pen Drive. Then open My Computer and Right click > Then open Properties.

Step 2. Now Properties window will appear, then click on Advanced system settings from a left side.

Step 3. Then in Advanced Tab click on Settings Button appear in Performance tab.

Step 4.  Again new window will appear then click on Advanced Tab.

Step 5.  In Advanced Tab there is an option of the Virtual Memory box, Then click on Change Button.

Step 6. Now uncheck the box of Automatically Manage Page size feature. Then in Custom Size Add Your Pen Drive current same in below format. Now Add same Value in both boxes and click on Apply button.

Note: If Your Pen Drive is of Size 4Gb then always add 10Mb less from currently available size. As I am using pen drive of size 4Gb and current space available is 3700 Mb then use 3690 minimum approx or remove more as you can because of it better of device safety.
Restart Your PC or Laptop and Now pen drive work as Virtual Ram. If you face problem in above method then can also follow below method which is easy to perform and work on Window 7, 8
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Install and Run Kali Linux Virtually On Android Device


So, What requirements should the device have?

  • The device should have at least 512 MB of Ram. The more Ram, the faster the performance.
  • 4-5 GB of Internal Memory.
  • Android 4.0 and above.


  • Android Device
  • Complete Linux Installer (Requires ROOT). Download full version from Play Store
  • Android VNCViewer. Download full version from Play Store
  • Android Terminal App. Download full version from Play Store

The main process starts here:

1. Download Complete Linux Installer and install the app.

2. Open the application (Allow Super User Permission) and click Install Guides.

3. In the list of Linux Operating systems that can be installed, select Kali Linux.

4. Now scroll to page 2 and click Download Image.

5. In the mean while, when the download is in progress, install the remaining applications 
VNCViewer and Terminal.

6. Once the download has finished you will now need to extract the zip folder using file manager of your choice.

7. Extract this into a folder called Kali on the root of your Sdcard (there should be tow files kali.img and kali.img.md5)

8. You are now ready to boot Kali, do this by using the Launch menu item.

9. You can set settings like screen size in the launch menu. Now the installation process takes place.

10. After a minute or two you should get the message root@localhost:/# , if you get this Kali is running.

11. Now open VNC Viewer app we have downloaded.

12. Set the IP Address to localhost and port number to 5900 and enter the password debian, then press connect and the GUI will render.

Congrats! You have successfully installed Kali Linux on your Android device. Now you can follow the general installation process to install it on hard drive.

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How To Root Any Android Phone Using KingRoot Application

1) Before getting started with the rooting tutorial, make sure that your device has atleast 50-60% battery backup in it. Next, ensure that you have uninstalled or disabled antivirus applications in your Android device as they sometimes distract the rooting procedure.
2) Next, enable Installation of apps from Unknown sources in your device by following this path: Settings -> Security -> Device Administration -> Unknown Sources.

3) Now, download KingRoot app to your Android device. While doing so, you might get some warning message. Just ignore it and download the kingroot.apk file to your device.

4) Once download, click on Kingroot.apk to install the application in your Android smartphone or tablet.

5) Once KingRoot is installed in your device, open up the application. Now, you will see the message “Root access is unavailable“. Just click on “Try to Root” blue button in the same screen to begin the rooting procedure.

6) During the rooting process, you will see a circle progress bar in your smartphone or tablet as shown in the screenshot given below.

7) Once the rooting process is over, your Android device will be successfully rooted. You will also get the message “Root Successfully” in the KingRoot app.

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(Video Added) (Updated) How To Change Your Friends WhatsApp Profile Pic 2017 By Hax4us

Steps to change your friends profile picture:

1. First Of All You Need to Root Your Phone
2. Now Download Es File Explorer from Play Store.
3. Install and Open Now Check Root explorer Option Like this

4. After that Go to data/data/com.WhatsApp folder and you will see Six folders like this

5. Click On Cache Now you will see two folders like this

6. Click on Profile Picture
7. You Will see many profile pictures of your friends .Now you choose any image from your gallery and change name sames as your friends profile pic name..
That's it 
Note: this trick is only working in offline mode.

Video Added (Click Here) To Watch

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