The main process starts here:
1. Download Complete Linux Installer and install the app.
2. Open the application (Allow Super User Permission) and click Install Guides.
3. In the list of Linux Operating systems that can be installed, select Kali Linux.
4. Now scroll to page 2 and click Download Image.
5. In the mean while, when the download is in progress, install the remaining applications
VNCViewer and Terminal.
6. Once the download has finished you will now need to extract the zip folder using file manager of your choice.
7. Extract this into a folder called Kali on the root of your Sdcard (there should be tow files kali.img and kali.img.md5)
8. You are now ready to boot Kali, do this by using the Launch menu item.
9. You can set settings like screen size in the launch menu. Now the installation process takes place.
10. After a minute or two you should get the message root@localhost:/# , if you get this Kali is running.
11. Now open VNC Viewer app we have downloaded.
12. Set the IP Address to localhost and port number to 5900 and enter the password debian, then press connect and the GUI will render.
Congrats! You have successfully installed Kali Linux on your Android device. Now you can follow the general installation process to install it on hard drive.
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