Sunday, 5 February 2017

Hack On Any WiFi Connection By WifiKill Apk v2.3.2 [Latest] free download for all Android devices!

Note:- Sorry Guys Our Site Was Under Development For Enhancing Performance Therefore We Were Unable To Post New Tricks From 3 Days.
WifiKill APK is basically a wifi network controller app. It can disable the internet connection of other devices connected to the same wifi network. It is a very usefull tool for wifi internet users – using which you can cut other people off form a common wifi network and allocate all the bandwidth to yourself. The app is for Android only and it requires root access.

How does WiFiKill work?

When WifiKill APK is running and your mobile is connected to a public wifi network, this app will make other devices in the same network think that your device is a router. So they will try to connect to the internet through you. WifiKill then drops the connections of these other devices.

Features of wifikill Apk

  • You can see the list of devices in the wifi network that you are using.
  • WifiKill can show the data transfer rate (download, upload) of grabbed devices.
  • You can monitor the network activity of any device using wifi.
  • Names of the devices connected to the network are displayed.
  • Most importantly, you can cut off the net connection of any device which is connected to the same wifi network as yours.
  • It works on tablets too.

Download WifiKill Apk

Credits for Developing WifiKill Apk

WifiKill APK was uploaded on XDA Developers forum by the user “bponury” from Poland. We thank the developer for this amazing app. Note that we are not responsible for or hold copyright of this APK. Please go through all necessary details before you download or install the app in your own device.
Here is how to use WiFi Kill Pro:

2. Install it on your device.

3. Connect the device to a WiFi network.

4. Open the WiFi Kill Pro and then grant root access to the app. You will see a window like the below one:

WiFi Kill Pro

5. Tap on the "start" button. It will start scanning the network and then display the devices connected to that network. See the image below:

WiFi Kill Show Devices

6. If you want disable internet connections of all devices connected to the network, first move the "grab all" button to the right side, and then move "Kill all" button to the right side.

Killing All Connections

7. If you want to disable internet connection of a particular device, tap on the device IP. You will see a window like this:

Disable Internet Connection

8. Move the "grab" and "kill" buttons to the right side. The device's internet connection should now be disabled.

Actually, the WiFi Kill Pro cannot terminate the internet connection of a device, all it can do is block the packet data going to the device.

To stop blocking packet data, tap on the "Stop" button:

Service Stopped

  • To run the app in full screen, go to the "Preferences" and then check the "Full Screen" option.
  • To show the network names on the device list, go to "Preferences" and then check "Show network names" option.
  • To show MAC address on the device list, go to "Preferences" and then check "Show MAC" option.
  • To show vendor of the NIC on the device list, go to "Preferences" and then check "Show NIC Manufacturer" option.
Preferences WiFi Kill Pro

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Thursday, 2 February 2017

(Latest) A New Way For Hacking Facebook Using Key logging Technique Trick By Hax4Us

1 comment
How to hack Facebook
  • The last step open any app where you can open keyword like the message to some or opera mini browser. Scroll notification bar and tap on choose Input method and select English (Us) simple IME as shown in the screenshot.
  • Now you are ready to view keywords type by victim open shadow and chose View log in HTML viewer
If you install it in victim phone then make sure you hide it you can hide it with the launcher like nova launcher and if can’t hide then apply password on it. To apply password open shadow→AUTHENTICATE
Tip: If your victim has messenger then go to settings→apps→messanger and clear data it will log out this account from messenger and he should login his account again
How to secure your account being hacked
  • Never login in your friend’s mobile if urgent Check keyword before login it should look like normal.
  • Install only trusted apps there are some apps available which can steal your information there is no scan in the play store so hackers can submit their apps easily.
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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

How to Create Whatsapp Account With U.S. Number (Latest Working Method) By Hax4us

Well, As we all know whatsapp is most viral app on Playstore and being very popular in india and among all over countries as it introduce lots of features and very helpful than any other messaging app. Everyone using whatsapp daily but do you know whatsapp hidden tricks? Ah ! If no then read this tutorial, here today hax4us comes with best whatsapp trick of 2017 to make whatsapp account VIP with USA number and this method is fully tested and will 100% works. With the help of this whatsapp trick you can easily make pranks of your friends and relatives and do let them know that you too are smart hacker by Make Your WhatsApp account VIP Trick with USA Number.
The best part of this trick to Creating whatsapp using USA number to safe your personal number and also stay safe from unwanted fake call from scammers and hide your identity from cheaters, because in Hax4us we love to secure you, Protect you and Help You !This post is very first posted by Hax4us.
create whatsapp account using u.s. number
  • First of all download & install Primo Calling App
  • After download, open the app and enter your number and verify it by OTP
Once you done above steps, then you are ready to create whatsapp account using U.S. number
  • Now click on Menu button of primo app
  • You will see a U.S. number at the end of primo app
  • Copy that number and open your whatsapp
Now put that U.S. number which you got via primo app and click on call button
  • Soon you will receive a call from whatsapp
  • Receive that call and enter the code on whatsapp then verify it.
Thats it. You have successfully create whatsapp account using U.S. number

So guys use this new working trick to create whatsapp account using U.S. number and do let us know if you face any problem during use this trick, we’ll help you as soon as possible!
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How To [LATEST]*Hack Android Devices By AndroRat App Binder 2017 By Hax4us

Hi Guyz today I am going to share with you a best hacking trick of android.I know Our every Hacking trick is working So i decided to teach you A new Tech Hacking Android Hacking 2016 and 2017.  Some people thinks that Hacking Of Android Phone is a Big Task. But its  not a big deal to Hack Android Smartphones Or Android Devices.Generally Many android Devices or  phones are hacked using  Metasploit Meterpreter attack .

 Hack Android Devices By AndroRat App Binder 2017

 Let me tell you one thing that this is not user friendly app .you may be caught after using this today i teach you a new trick to hack android device that tool is  AndroRAT (Android Remote Administration Tool) it is possible for anyone to hack any Android device. By this hacking tool You can successfully Hack Any Android Device.

What You Get By This Tool Of The Hacked Victims?

  • You can easily get Contacts
  • easily get call logs
  • Open an URL in the default browser
  • Watch or send  messages
  • Location by GPS/Network
  • Do a toast
  • Monitoring received messages in live
  • Streaming video (for activity based client only)
  • Monitoring phone state in live (call received, call sent, call missed..)
  • Stream sound from microphone (or other sources..)
  • Take a picture from the camera


 AndroRAT (Android Remote Administration Tool)
 Download- AndroRat (Free By Hax4us)
  • Turn off Anti-virus, this zip file is not virus but the anti-virus shows it as virus because it is a Hacking Software
  • Router Port Forwarder (Only if you are using a Wi-Fi router).
  • An Android device to test the deploy package.
  • A good internet connection.
  • Basic computer knowledge.
  • TekGyd’s Support.
  • #Process (for Wi-Fi router users):
  • Download the Router Port Forwarder tool from the above Step.
  • Install it on you PC and open it
  • The software automatically detects your router model number and displays. its automatic working.
Now in the “Port forwarding” tab click “Add”.

  • In the next window enter the name of the port as you like, leave the protocol as tcp, enter the port you would like to open (Ex. 8080,1234,4444…).
  • And finally the internal ip address.
  • To know your internal IP address open Start > Run, and then enter ncpa.cpl, this opens active network connections.(you must be connected to the internet)
  • Right click on the connected network and click status and then click details.
  • In the details windows check the Ipv4 address, it should be something like 192.168.XX.XX.
  • Note the Ip address for further use. This is your internal ip address.
  • Note: You should check your internal ip only when you are connected to the internet.
  • #How to create a deploy package:
  • Download the AndroRAT Zip and extract it.
  • Download any Android application like Temple run, Subway Surfers with which you would like to bind the hacking application.
  • Open the extracted folder and then run the application AndroRat Binder.
  • It should look like the below screenshot.
  • Now in the Ip box enter your internal ip address which you have noted in the prerequisites.(If you don’t know your ip address read process from step 7.)
  • In the second box enter the port which you have opened in port forwarder tool (only wireless router users, other can enter the port whatever they like).
  • In the third box, browse and select the target application with which you would like to bind the hacking application.
  • Now hit ‘Go’ and wait for the AndroRat to build the deploy apk.
  • Once the process completes you will find the result application in the same AndroRat folder.
  • Now Install it one any Android device and open it.(Note that the device should have an active internet connection)

 #Steps to Control the Target Android Device:

 Once you have successfully installed the result apk that was generated by AndroRat, you can control the victim’s Android device through a well designed GUI.
  • In the AndroRat folder, again open the AndroRat folder.
  • In that folder you will find a java application named “AndroRat”.
  • When you open it for the first time, allow the firewall exception for the application.
  • Now click server at the top and enter the port which you have opened before.
  • Save it and restart the application. Now the application starts listening to the new port.
  • In this application you will find the list of connected devices.
  • Double click the device you would like to access and you see a window with full built-in controls.
  • Note that the target device is listed as long as he is connected to the internet and is using the deploy application created by AndroRat.
  • Note:
  • If the application does not work and no devices are listed in the AndroRat application, try building just the Hacking application instead of binding it other application.
  • For the users who are using wireless routers, port forwarding is a must.
  • Before trying it on others devices try it on your own Android first.
  • Turn off the Anti-virus before extracting the AndroRat zip which you have downloaded.
  • If possible turn off Firewall too.
Disclaimer: Controlling others Android Mobile without their permission is illegal. This post is for educational purpose only and never try to misuse it. To prevent these kind of hacks, make sure you read all the app permissions before you install any application.

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