Thursday, 4 January 2018

How To Make/Create Deb Package In Termux (Part-2)

Hello Guys, Welcome To Hax4Us

So guys I know that why are you here that's why without any blah blah I am going to teach you that how can you make your own deb package in termux for termux.

Usage :

This tool expects packages to be defined in JSON manifest files. Run termux-create-package -h for more information.
An example manifest file is given below:

  "name": "newproject",
  "version": "1.0",
  "homepage": "",
  "maintainer": "@Hax4us",
  "description": "my description",
  "arch": "all",
  "depends": ["dependency"],
  "files" :{
    "": "bin/myfile",
    "": "lib/"

The fields are as follows :

  • name: The name of your package.
  • version: The version of the package.
  • maintainer: Optional informative field specifying who maintains the package.
  • homepage: Optional informative field specifying a homepage URL.
  • description: Optional informative field containing a short description of the package.
  • depends: Comma-separated list of packages that this package depends on. Will be installed automatically when this package is installed using apt.
  • arch: Set to all if the package only contains architecture-independent data, or one of arm/i686/aarch64/x86_64 as appropriate.
  • files: Files relative to the manifest file that should be included in the package. The keys are paths (relative to the current directory) to include and the values are paths where the files should end up at installation (relative to the $PREFIX path in Termux where everything is installed under).
Run the following command to create a package file named ${name}_${version}_all.deb:

$ termux-create-package manifest.json

This can then be installed in Termux using the command:

apt install ./my-package-file.deb

So my friends I hope that now you can make your own deb package without any hassle :)

Note :- In case of any error you can ask in comment section thnx :)

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How To Make Own Deb Package In Termux (Part-1)

Hello Guys, Welcome To Hax4Us

Yes, Termux is built on users' contributions. Termux is an open source application; And there are many benefits. The source code is hosted at GithubTermux-app is the repository for the actual App. Changes to the user interface and terminal emulator can be made here. The termux-packagesrepository is where the apt repository of Termux is located. You can modify and add packages here.

Can I Create My Own Deb Package ?

Yes , you can ! Firstly you will have to open termux and execute this command apt install termux-create-package then you can use this command for more info termux-create-package -h 

It is very easy to create deb files for termux by termux-create-package and if you want to learn more clearly about that you can goto link given below ;)

Make deb package Part-2
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Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Bind Payload With Any Apk In Android Using Tmux-Bunch

Hello Guys, Welcome To Hax4Us

[ NOTE ] Tmux-Bunch is unstable now try best alternative of Tmux-Bunch => Apkmod ( Click Here )

yes ye possible hai..hum apne TERMUX me TMUX-BUNCH install kr sakte hai and payload bind kr skte hai ,
..without rooted phone...!!

Tmux-Bunch is a tool created by me to provide great features of apktool and payload binding in Termux.

Requirements :-
  • Termux App (Obvious)
  • Metasploit installed
  • Must Be My Subscriber😂
To Aapko Kuch khaas ni krna hai , only mere steps follow karne hai & koi bhi error aata hai to group me screenshot de sakte hai

For Installation Instructions 
Click Here

For Reference You Can Watch My Demo Video (Link is given below)

I hope ye tutorial aapko acha laga hoga..!!

Plz comment karna mat bhoolna ...aapke bhai ki izzat ka sawal hai..😂

Note :- I will not be responsible for any kind of illegal activity done by you And if you are facing any problem... You can ask me
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Saturday, 2 September 2017


Hello Guys, Welcome To Hax4Us

Yes , ye possible hai..hum apne TERMUX me KALI-NETHUNTER install kr sakte hai
..without rooted phone...!!

Requirements :-
  • Termux App (Obvious)
  • Must Be My Subscriber😂
To Aapko Kuch khaas ni krna hai , only mere steps follow karne hai & koi bhi error aata hai to group me screenshot de sakte hai

Steps :-

  1. Open Termux & execute :- apt update && apt upgrade
  2. Goto Home :- cd $HOME
  3. Download my script :- curl -LO
  4. Give execution permission by executing :- chmod +x kalinethunter
  5. Now execute my script :- ./kalinethunter
  6. After Process Complete , you can execute : startkali
  7. Last step to get keys but remember you will have to execute this command in Nethunter not in Termux apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6

I hope ye tutorial aapko acha laga hoga..!!

Plz comment karna mat bhoolna ...aapke bhai ki izzat ka sawal hai..😂

Note :- This is not universally tested so it may be install in your phone or not ...just try your luck...!! And if you are facing any problem...Open Issue In Github :)
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