Thursday 28 June 2018

Little Guide Of Termux Basic Commands Part-2

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Hey , I am Lokesh today I am going to teach some more basic commands of termux.

In previous part we learnt about cd and ls so today we will learn about two more commands cp and mv.


cp stands for copy. It is very simple but useful command. There are lots of option available in cp but I will cover only specific useful options so let's take an example for understanding the working of cp

I have two folders and one file in home directory

So I want to copy file1 into folder one. I will just write cp "resource" "destination" so here resource is file1 and destination is folder one so final command would be look like this cp file1 one

But it will work only if you are in current directory means a directory where both resource and destination exists but what if I want to copy a file from current directory to a folder which is not in current directory so it is also very simple task , again let's take an example

So now I am in $HOME directory of termux . $HOME means /data/data/com.termux/files/home , so in short I can say I am in home directory , so I have a file file1 and I want to copy this file into a folder two which is exist in folder one so my command for copy would be cp resource path/to/destination means cp file1 one/two

But what if resource and destination both are not in current directory ?

Simple , just write full path of both like this

Okk now we can copy Any file anywhere but what if i want to copy a folder in which my all files are present. For this cp has a option -R by which we can copy whole folder so let's take an example for understanding

I have two folders one and two and I want to copy folder one into folded two so I will write cp -R one two OR cp -R /path/to/one /path/to/two in the case when both folders are not exist in current directory


mv stands for move. mv is just like a variation of cp with Deletion feature. Means cp only copies or create a duplicate copy of your resource without touching your original resource but mv will create a copy of your original content then delete original content. So cp + delete = mv . let's take an example to understand working of mv

I have a file file1 and folder one

I want to move file1 into folder one so I will write mv "resource" "destination" means mv file1 one

Same rule applied here if one of them resource or destination or both are not in current directory then we will have to give full path like this

Here we don't need of any -R option like cp in case of moving whole folder like below

Remarks :-

  1. Simple copy command for Any file in current directory cp resource destination
  2. For different directory cp /path/to/resource /path/to/destination
  3. For copy whole folder we need -R, cp -R wholefolder destination
  4. $HOME means /data/data/com.termux/files/home it means if you have a folder one in home and you want to copy folder one from anywhere so you will have to give full path but instead of giving /data/data....blah blah  you can write $HOME/one or $HOME/path/to/one if one is not in home 
  5. For  move whole folder you don't need -R
We will continue our journey in next parts of basic Termux command.
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Tuesday 26 June 2018

Little Guide Of Termux Basic Commands Part-1

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Hey , I am Lokesh today I am going to teach some basics commands of termux.

Well there is no difference between Linux commands and Termux commands so I can say almost command are same.


cd means change the directory. Its very simple and basic command for beginners. Let's take some examples to understand the working of cd command.
Suppose that I have two folders in home directory of termux.

So I want to goto folder one means I want to change the current directory to one so its very simple just write name of folder or directory after cd  in which you want to enter so command would be like this

So now I am in folder one but wait now i want to go back so is it possible ? Yh just write two dots (..) after cd to go back one step like this

Note that there is a space between cd and two dots and same rule applied for all commands. There must be space after command name. Don't mixup the command with arguments like this

OK so now we know two things

  1. How to change directory or folder
  2. How to go back to my previous directory


ls stands for list. So as name suggests this command will give us list of current directory (if executed in current directory).

Confused ? :( OK Lets take an example :)

Suppose that I have two folders and one file in home directory of Termux but I want see all as a list so I will just execute ls (see screenshot)

But now I don't want to see list of current directory. Now I want to see list of my folder "one" so I will just write name of folder after ls ( see screenshot)

Now we know four things :
  1. How to change directory or folderw
  2. How to go back to my previous directory
  3. How to list all things in current directory
  4. How to list all things from any other directory.

We will continue our journey in next parts of basic Termux command.

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Friday 5 January 2018

How To Access Sdcard Or External Storage In Termux Without Permission Denied Error


Welcome To HaX4Us

It is very common thing for Termux users but also a root of common error which is permission denied.

And it is obvious that you will try to access sdcard or external storage in termux to save your any important thing & one more noticeable thing is that the permission denied error does not come in Android 5 or before.

It means that you are here because you have Android 6.0 or later. So the only thing what you have to do is that

  • run this command in termux termux-setup-storage
  • After then you will be prompt for permission like as below screenshot so you have to click on allow

Executing termux-setup-storage ensures:

  1. That permission to shared storage is granted to Termux when running on Android 6.0 or later.
  2. That an app-private folder on external storage is created (if external storage exists).
  3. That a folder $HOME/storage is created.


The contents of the created $HOME/storage folder are symlinks to different storage folders like as given screenshot

In case of any query , you can ask in comment section.

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How To Edit Recovery Images Or Boot Images From Android


Hello Guys, Welcome To Hax4Us

Here I am introducing an amazing all-in-one app for extract .img files like recovery or boot images files.

Android Image Kitchen is a popular tool for Linux and ported to android in the form of Apk :)


Due to the fragmentations among Android vendors, this app may or may not work with your boot image, and don't be frustrated when it does not. I am also not responsible for any damage to your phone.

BOOT/RECOVERY: Use this tool to unpack/repack a boot/recovery image. This part is built on top of osm0sis's Android image kitchen but added support for some MTK devices. You can use "dd" or apps such as "Flashify" to flash image back.

SYSTEM: Make sure you have root and a loop device enabled kernel to make the magic happen.  If the system image is a sparse image, the app will try to convert it to a raw image in the same directory  and then mount the raw image; if the system image is a raw image, the app will mount it directly. You can use "dd" to flash image back.

EDITING: You can edit plain text files with the built in file editor or your favorite file editors such as "QuickEdit" or "DroidEditor". You can also view images from the built in image viewer or other viewers. If you want to edit image or binary files, you need to first export the files out and edit them with other apps. "HexEditor" has a limitation which prevents this app from sending binaries for direct editing.

From where should i install ?

Go to play store :)
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