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So if you are a coder and a big fan of terminal then I am damn sure you don't use bulky IDE's for your coding work but yes I know IDE's have cool features like auto completion , debugging etc. But who said we can't have these features in our terminal ;)
Requirements :
- Vim-Python apt install vim-python
- Vim-Plug ( Click here for installing it )
- A good internet connection
Steps to be followed :
- Install YouCompleteMe Plug-In in vim. If you have it already then great , otherwise follow recording ( given below )
- Now we will have to compile or build YouCompleteMe libraries in order to make it workable. For compiling , paste commands one by one
- You will have to create a conf file in your working directory ( root of your source tree) which is required by YCM to know the language in which you are writing your program
- Now we have ycm installed properly now you can test it by easily creating a .C file or program and see magic like my recording.
Tips :
- Use Ctrl+Space for Auto-Completion
- For exit , Press ESC then two times Z in capital
- You will have to create separate conf files for your different projects.