Sunday 15 September 2019

Install YCM or YouCompleteMe in Termux

Hey GeeKs I hope you are doing great and I am here to make your day more great :)

So if you are a coder and a big fan of terminal then I am damn sure you don't use bulky IDE's for your coding work but yes I know IDE's have cool features like auto completion , debugging etc. But who said we can't have these features in our terminal ;)

Requirements :

Steps to be followed :
  • Install YouCompleteMe Plug-In in vim. If you have it already then great , otherwise follow recording ( given below )
  • Now we will have to compile or build YouCompleteMe libraries in order to make it workable. For compiling , paste commands one by one 
  • You will have to create a conf file in your working directory ( root of your source tree) which is required by YCM to know the language in which you are writing your program 
  • Now we have ycm installed properly now you can test it by easily creating a .C file or program and see magic like my recording.
Tips :

  • Use Ctrl+Space for Auto-Completion 
  • For exit , Press ESC then two times Z in capital
  • You will have to create separate conf files for your different projects.

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Saturday 14 September 2019

How To Install A Plug-in Manager For Vim in Termux

Hey guys, Wassap ? Well I am bored with my old friend "Vim". So I decided to make it more fancy and cool , just like any IDE.

Trust me I can ;)

Vim is a simple editor until you install an plugin. Yes there are thousands of plugins available but installing or removing of various types of plugins and maintaining them are very complex task so I decided to hire a buttler, and his name is Vim-Plug
In short , it can easily install or remove your plugins and can do various types of cool things with vim.
Installation Steps :

  •  Download plug.vim curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
  • That's it , Seriously ? Yes it is installed now.
Now what ? We have to create a file ".vimrc" in home directory , where we will give our commands to our butler.

Steps to setup vimrc file

  • First create or edit vimrc vim ~/.vimrc
  • And now it's time to see and follow recording ( given below )
  • That's it :)
But wait ... Where is my fancy vim now :/ well you will have to install plug-in using Vim-Plug and for that you can follow given post where I will make my boring vim "A Super C IDE".

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Wednesday 2 January 2019

How To Create Your Own APT Repository In Termux

Hey guys wasup 😉 today we will see that how can we create our own repository in termux. So let's start ...

So just download my package and enjoy :)

Package Includes :-

  • One video tutorial 
  • Required Tool / Deb Package ( this tool is not officially available yet )
  • Bash Script ( which will automate all boring steps for you )
  • Thats it guys ;)
Want to connect with me ?
  • You can join WhatsApp Group , msg me "ADD" at 8800404950 
  • Follow me on Instagram , ID is Hax4us
  • Second Instagram ID is dcent_07 ( this I'd is not for Techy things so if you are following me for your techy questions so don't follow on this account thnx :) ) but yes if you want to be my friend then you can follow.
  • Facebook Page
Happy Termux :)
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Wednesday 12 December 2018

Setup Basic GUI In TermuxAlpine

After long time , i am again active with new post in which i am going to tell you that how can we setup basic GUI in Termux Alpine. Basic setup means openbox with xfce4-terminal.

Requirements :-
Follow these steps :-
  1. Open your alpine : startalpine
  2. update your alpine : apk update
  3. Install required packages : apk add xvfb openbox xfce4-terminal x11vnc
  4. Run Xvfb : Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 &
  5. Run x11vnc :  x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :1 -nopw -wait 5 -shared -permitfiletransfer -tightfilexfer -noshm &
  6. Hit Enter again if any command would be stuck
  7. After x11vnc , its time to launch openbox : DISPLAY=:1 openbox &
  8. Now finally we can run terminal : DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-terminal &
Okk now xfce4-terminal is running and it's time to fireup Vnc Viewer and follow below steps :-
  1. Click on plus (+) green icon at bottom right.
  2. Type in Address field.
  3. Type anyname in Name field like you can type TermuxAlpine or Alpine etc .
  4. Click on create then tap on connect.
OK fine now you can see xfce4-terminal in front of you :)

Some Important Points 
  • After disconnecting from VNC Viewer App , x11vnc will be closed automatically.
  • But you will have to kill openbox and xfce4-terminal by yourself.
  • You can reinstall Alpine with my new script then you will not have to kill things , just exit from Alpine , all proot things will be killed.
Want to connect with me ?
  • You can join WhatsApp Group , msg me "ADD" at 8800404950 
  • Follow me on Instagram , ID is Hax4us
  • Second Instagram ID is dcent_07 ( this I'd is not for Techy things so if you are following me for your techy questions so don't follow on this account thnx :) ) but yes if you want to be my friend then you can follow.
  • Facebook Page
Happy Termux :)
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