Sunday, 29 January 2017

TWRP Custom Recovery for Galaxy S6/S6 edge Install without PC

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  • Both rooting and installing a custom recovery on your device will trip the KNOX counter, means that your warranty will be void and Samsung Pay may not work on your device. This method is for advance users only If something wrong happens with your device then will not be held responsible.


Before starting you should backup your important data. For installing the recovery you need a rooted phone. Click on the below links to know how to root your galaxy s6 or galaxy s6 edge.


  • First of all download the Recovery TWRP from the links below.
  1. Download TWRP for galaxy S6 edge all models.
  2. Download TWRP for galaxy S6 all models.
  3. Download TWRP for Galaxy S6 Sprint Model.


  • Now open the google play store on your device and install Flashify.


  • Now open the app on your phone. It will give you a disclaimer.Press “Accept” and then Flashify will ask for superuser access so, tap on “Grant” option.


  • After that, in the application press the “Recovery Image” option and  press “choose a file”. Now from here choose the file that you have downloaded in the previous step.


  • Now Flashify will ask if you are ready to install the file. Press the “Yes” option and wait for about 30 seconds to complete the process.


  • Once the flashing process is complete, tap on the “Reboot Now” option and your phone will directly boot into your newly installed TWRP recovery.
That’s it guys. Now you will have the custom TWRP recovery on your phone. You can flash custom roms, install zip files and can take take a full backup of your android device.

Check the TWRP Custom Recovery on your Galaxy S6/S6 edge

If you want to check the custom recovery on your phone then you can do this by going in to recovery mode. You can enter into recovery mode by doing the following.
  • Press and Hold Home+VolumeUp+Power button for some seconds.
  • Release the buttons when you see the blue text on the screen i.e Recovery Booting.
Now your phone is in recovery mode, you can check out the new custom recovery here.Now tap on the Reboot option if you would like to get out of the recovery mode.

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Platinum EDGE ROM V6.0 - [DEODEXED] For SAMSUNG S6 EDGE By Hax4us

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  • DisclaimerI'm not responsible for any device. Flash on your own risk! Warranty is void if flashed.

I want to present you the Platinum Edge ROM , i decided to share with you, i hope can enjoy it.
Please let me know if you have issues with my rom.

- Based on XXS5DQA firmware with the JANUARY security patch.
- ROOT, Deodexed, Zipaligned, Busybox, Deknoxed and SQlite.
- Smooth and great battery life.
- S7 Wallpapers
- Note 7 Sounds
- Some deleted apps that can you download on play store or galaxy apps store.

How to install :
1) Enter TWRP recovery. (Click Here To Install    TWRP Recovery)
2) Wipe Dalvik Cache, Cache and System.
3) Choose platinum EDGE ROM zip
4) Wait until is finished
5) Reboot.

Screenshots :

Note : If You Getting Bore From Your Stock ROM And Want A Custom ROM For Your Handset Or Mobile So You Can Post Your Full Mobile Name In Comment Box. I will try to Add Your Mobile Amazing Roms As Fast As Possible.

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Saturday, 28 January 2017

How To Hack Android Pattern By Hax4us

Follow These Simple Steps

1. Copy android file into an sd card 

2.Switch off the android phone which is locked

3.Put this sd card in that phone

4.Enter into recovery mode by pressing Volume up +Power buttom+Home button in the same time
5.Now select install zip from sd card in recovery mode

6.Select the downloaded file to install

7.After install switch on your mobile normally

8.Now you can see that the lockscreen or password is disabled completely!

Note: Don't panic if your phone ask you for a password, just simply draw a random pattern. 

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How To Get Unblocked From Someone's WhatsApp Account (Simple Trick) By Hax4us

Has someone blocked you onWhatsApp? It's the worst thing that can happen on WhatsApp. But if you want to see that person's activity, how do you unblock yourself ? Logically, until and unless that person unblocks you.

You can unblock yourself from someone's WhatsApp account right from your phone. No need to install any third party application. Use the very old WhatsApp. Here's how you do it.

How To Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp

Important: 1st of all Uninstall your WhatsApp & Recreate account on Very old version of WhatsApp(use existing number). Then follow steps given below↓

Step 1: Delete Your WhatsApp Account

Yes, You've heard right! The first step to unblock yourself from someone else's WhatsApp account is to delete your own account. Go to WhatsApp>settings>Account>Delete Account.

Step 2: Uninstall The Application

Now, you have to uninstall the WhatsApp application completely from your phone and once done, restart your phone.

Step 3: Install WhatsApp From PlayStore

Now you need to go to Google Play store on your Android smartphone and search for WhatsApp. Once you get it, tap install.

Step 4: Recreate WhatsApp Acc.

Once the app is installed on your smartphone, follow the same process of creating an account. Create the WhatsApp account in the existing contact number.

Step 5: That' it

Now check your WhatsApp contacts lists. You have been successfully unblocked. Try yourself! :) 

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