Wednesday 12 December 2018

Setup Basic GUI In TermuxAlpine

After long time , i am again active with new post in which i am going to tell you that how can we setup basic GUI in Termux Alpine. Basic setup means openbox with xfce4-terminal.

Requirements :-
Follow these steps :-
  1. Open your alpine : startalpine
  2. update your alpine : apk update
  3. Install required packages : apk add xvfb openbox xfce4-terminal x11vnc
  4. Run Xvfb : Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 &
  5. Run x11vnc :  x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :1 -nopw -wait 5 -shared -permitfiletransfer -tightfilexfer -noshm &
  6. Hit Enter again if any command would be stuck
  7. After x11vnc , its time to launch openbox : DISPLAY=:1 openbox &
  8. Now finally we can run terminal : DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-terminal &
Okk now xfce4-terminal is running and it's time to fireup Vnc Viewer and follow below steps :-
  1. Click on plus (+) green icon at bottom right.
  2. Type in Address field.
  3. Type anyname in Name field like you can type TermuxAlpine or Alpine etc .
  4. Click on create then tap on connect.
OK fine now you can see xfce4-terminal in front of you :)

Some Important Points 
  • After disconnecting from VNC Viewer App , x11vnc will be closed automatically.
  • But you will have to kill openbox and xfce4-terminal by yourself.
  • You can reinstall Alpine with my new script then you will not have to kill things , just exit from Alpine , all proot things will be killed.
Want to connect with me ?
  • You can join WhatsApp Group , msg me "ADD" at 8800404950 
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Happy Termux :)
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Sunday 15 July 2018

Install Burpsuite In Termux Nethunter


Hey, I am lokesh and today we are going to install Burpsuite in our Termux Nethunter.

Burp or Burp Suite is a graphical tool for testing Web application security. The tool is written in Java and developed by PortSwigger Security.

So yes it is possible to install and run Burpsuite in Kali Nethunter Prooted Environment but before any further installation steps please make sure you have LXDE installed in Nethunter otherwise Burpsuite may not run :(

Requirements :--

  1. Nethunter ( Not installed ? Click here )
  2. LXDE ( Not installed ? Click here )
  3. Minimum Space Required = 150 MB
Note :- All commands are highlighted

Follow All Steps One By One Carefully  :--

  1. Open your Nethunter startkali
  2. Install Burpsuite apt install burpsuite -y
  3. Run Burpsuite java -jar /usr/bin/burpsuite
  4. Configure your Burpsuite and enjoy :)
If you still confused with above steps you can click here for demo video 

You can checkout Official Site of Burpsuite for more instructions of usage ( Link )

Screenshots :--



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Saturday 7 July 2018

How To Install LXDE In Kali Nethunter Of Termux Without Root


Hey , I am Lokesh and today I will tell you that how can we install LXDE Full Desktop Environment in termux using Kali Nethunter Without root :)

So First of all you will have to install Kali Nethunter from my latest script and if you have already installed so install it again otherwise LXDE may not properly install.

Don't know how to install Nethunter ? Click below :)

Install Nethunter In Termux

So now i am assuming you have Nethunter in termux and you did all necessary and compulsory steps from installation guide after installation.


  • Minimum Storage : 1.5gb
  • Must be my subscriber 😂

Follow these steps or just paste commands one by one 

  1. First Update apt-get update 
  2. Install LXDE apt-get install lxde-core lxde kali-defaults kali-root-login desktop-base
Now take a cup of tea because it will take time and also depends on your Internet speed.

So now LXDE is installed but how to start ?

Follow these steps to start your LXDE session 

  1. Download and Install Xserver XSDL App From Play Store or Click here 
  2. Now open your installed app and download additional fonts ( 60 Mb) 
  3. Wait for 3-4 seconds 
  4. Now minimize the XSDL app and goto termux 
  5. Now execute this command in Nethunter DISPLAY= PULSE_SERVER=tcp: startlxde &
  6. Go back to Xserver XSDL App and wait up to 5 seconds then you will get LXDE desktop environment 





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Saturday 30 June 2018

Install Latest Java 9 In Termux Without Root

Update :- This method is not working now I will upload new post asap for java

Hey , I am lokesh and today I will share a simple guide in order to install Java Jdk/Jre.

So Just Follow Below Steps 

  • Install dirmngr and gnupg  apt install dirmngr gnupg-curl -y
  • Add PGP key apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 9D6D488416B493F0
  • Add Repo mkdir -p $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d && echo "deb extra main x11" > $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/list.list
  • Update apt update
  • Now you can install java jdk apt install openjdk-9-jdk-headless -y
Some Amazing Tutorials For Termux Lovers 
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